Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Rob Bell....

I've read your articles and I've watched your videos. I've thought about it for awhile. I don't want to answer in an angry fashion or be one of those "close-minded" Christians in a "what I believe is it and you so dumb" attitude. but let's talk about a couple things that truly stick out to me.

First, the statement was made by you that many people who "preach the Bible" don't have parking issues. But you do! So thus implying that you must be doing something right? Because I would actually agree with you, believe it or not. However, what is "right" in this case only pertains to how you can draw a large number of people by telling them what they want to hear. And you state that fact yourself. People don't want to hear about judgment and damnation. Who does? So Honestly, does your success mean you are preaching truth? hmm...

And second, you say this book, this theology and this thinking of yours is not a product of bitterness. And for a minute I wanted to believe you. I really did. Many people try and discredit Christianity but their bitterness finds them out only to discredit themselves. You however did a great job by refuting it right away. But then I had to go and read the little story of your father and grandfather. You know, the one where you dad was not allowed to grieve the death of his father because it was supposed to be a celebration. You went on to say how this event stuck with you and is the foundation of reason for this book you wrote. All my hopes and dreams of this book being written out of pure unadulterated reasons were smashed to the ground.

Come on now Rob Bell. Give me some honest reason to see it your way. Maybe I should just shut up and read your book...but don't be offeneded if I buy it used so you don't get any money from it.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Alright, Enough's Enough!

In case you haven't heard, Obama thinks that tests are irrelevant and make school boring. Because of these feelings he is making it a point to cut down ALL testing throughout the country.

Well Mr. Obama...I'm sorry your daughters can't get a good test score. That doesn't mean you can use your "powers" as president and get rid of what your daughters don't like. Geez...way to show your children how to put up with crap and learn to adapt. How else do you think we all have put up with you for so long.

Anyways...that's it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Gospel is P.C.?

Why is it that so many Christians in the public eye (or not) act as if the Gospel is politically correct? it truly makes me wonder if they really know what the Gospel is.

The Gospel is a scandal! Repent and believe! That's it...repent and believe. However, today's Gospel has nothing to do with repentance and doesn't even fully require you to believe. just sort of acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God and is "A" way...when, in fact, He is "THE" way and the only way to Him is through repentance and belief.

Joel Osteen ticks me off beyond belief and if you enjoy listening to him, we are no longer friends (just kidding). The guy, for one, has no "Gosp-balls" to speak the honest truth of what he actually believes and focuses too much on prosperity and blessings than on having the evidence of fruit in your life! And it bugs me that he views prosperity in the Bible as earthly prosperity instead of heavenly prosperity. Where should our treasure lie but in Christ. In Joel Osteen's interview by Piers Morgan on CNN, he was blaming God for having an issue with homosexuality instead of defending the scriptures. The man has people in his congregation that are of other faiths going straight to hell and he is proud of that! Instead he should be telling them to repent and believe!

I don't hate the guy nor do I blame him for having such crappy theology...but I do hope he realizes God will hold him responsible for all those who listened to him preach and never heard the truth about sin and repentance. And on no level am I perfect in how I speak the Gospel to people. I've walked away from chances to tell people about the Love of Christ...sure...but on no level will I let myself agree or affirm someone's heretical or just wrong beliefs.

I guess that's about it. Not much else.

On a side note, my daughter calls windmills "pokey turney things"... really cute.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Quote of the Week...

“There are so many homosexuals, both active and celibate, at all levels of clergy and Church hierarchy that the church would never be able to function if they were really to exclude all of them from ministry.”

Father Alberto Cutie (his real name), in his new book which slams the Catholic Church as misogynistic and hypocritical.

(Found @

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Well here we are...

In reading a blog written by a fellow blogger, it amazes me how much we regress in ourselves and in our integrety as Christians by trying not to be a "cookie cutter Christian." The blog was pertaining to the fact that, as Christians, we don't need to look happy all the time...which I am all for! I don't disagree with what was said one bit. However I do feel like we tred on a very thin line when we start making those statements to others trying to be Christians.

We start with an innocent statement such as, 'as Christians we don't need to be happy all the time," and go on to make other statements such as, "as a Christian I don't always need to pray...or go to church...or read the Bible." And granted, to go to heaven, we don't NEED to go to church...but that in itself is even more of a thin line. It starts with making true statements and leads to a line of destructive compromises that ultimately bring us to a place of not showing any fruit of a Christian at all. The only way people know that we are then Christian, if you are so then bold to call yourself that, is if we tell them which is no good testimony for God or an example of what Christ does in believers.

'Jesus Needs New PR' is a blog, that at first I was all for. It made sense. He showed how crazy Christians make Christianity out to be. But after awhile, I realized...He should not be Jesus' PR! Compromise brings liberalism and liberalism brings a whole new breed of false prophets who are leading the majority of Christians astray.

But I guess, who am I to talk...I'm not perfect either.