Saturday, January 17, 2009


God. Man. Coffee. All three are complex and yet must be understood very simply.

God, in all of His greatness has made the path to Him very simple. Ecclesiastes states that we must fear God and obey His commandment for this is the whole duty of man. Nothing more. He's asked us something so simple and yet we try to make more of it to somehow feel justified.

Man, as complex as we all are, has two choices in do what God has called us to do or not. And as we all see that as such a complicated or hard choice, the only reason its so hard is because we just want to feel justified in not choosing what God wants. Therefore we must simply follow God, fear Him and obey His commandments for this is our whole duty as man.

Coffee, with all that can be added to it to make lattes and so forth, we must enjoy a cup of coffee simply. In order to taste chocolate, berries and flowers in one cup of coffee, we must lay aside our flavors and creamers and simply focus on the complex substance that God has given us the way He intended.

Simplicity is a practice that we no longer practice in this world and yet we would understand so much more if we simply lived simply.